About Cinthia

What drives me? It’s the joy of seeing these women follow their true calling, trusting their inner wisdom. I walk with them, offering support and encouragement as they navigate their paths, knowing their intuition will guide them to their true purpose.
Cinthia Varkevisser
Seasoned Spiritual Shit Disturber
Shaking Up the Status Quo and Catalyzing Profound Shifts
I help women of color discover their inner leaders and make a big impact on the world.
My goal is to help them combine their natural intuition, practical skills, cultural heritage, and ancestral wisdom to become their most authentic and powerful selves.
Imagine my clients, full of clarity and confidence, handling life's challenges with grace and purpose.
Whether they are starting new careers, launching businesses, or improving their current projects, they stay true to themselves.
These women also inspire change in their families, businesses, and communities. They lead with independence and serve as role models, encouraging others to join them in positive actions.
Every success story we create together shows the power of this transformative journey.
I love seeing my clients celebrate their wins humbly and face their challenges with honesty, compassion, and determination to turn them into strengths.
Cinthia, when you were describing my husband, you were spot on! Since our session, my husband has accepted a position with Amazon and we have relocated to a city 3.5 hours east of where we used to live. He's a lot happier with the certainty of a job and the benefits it provides. When he talked about it with me, I immediately thought of our session.
Thank you!